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hala haR id Ke bE Emaile shoMa saBt sHode Miad

baD id e TaraFo yadaSht Kunid va ForgeT password bezaniD passworde Id reset mishe Miad vase Emaile Shoma Be haMin RaHati

aLbaTe aGe hosele in aKaraRo naDarin Va mikhaYn rahadTar beDonin Ke ba Bombuse Terojan sHoma on Shode kafie Ye id o aDd kUnid Ye Bot e Esme idsh :
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pV iNjor pM bedin

Ye S ye fasele emaile sHoma

S emaile shoma @gmail.com

haR chi Id e BehetOn miGe
Masalan Injori :

1. =)lol
2. davidhgc
3. mldebondt
4. musthasa
5. pandio_n
6. ra362
7. sutan.toedjoeh.toedjoeh
8. ~nimbuzz~admin~
9. jon35
10. ace-kun

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KhoB in Bot ta 10 Id o neshon mide vase neshon dadane baqiYe id bayad to pv bezanid

masalan :
S emaile shoma @gmail.com
10 id omad mikhY bezanid safe Badi
to Pm badi Bezanid :

khoB bazia BalaD NistaN :d paswordo Reset kunan
In aDreso To kaDr kozashtAm ino Copy va opera Ya web Paste kunid

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Nimbuzz ID: eSme idto . Va Go SEND bezN - baD 1 SaFe baZ miSHe To qesMaTe
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aGe MiKhaY PassWord waSe Email shoma Ersal She GoZiNe
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Va NoKte AkhAr INe Ke aGe GoziNe Via e-mail zaDi Va az NimbUzz Be sHoma 1 eMail omaD meSaL EMaiL InJoRe :

Hi yakooza!.+666
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Note that this link will no longer be valid after 24 hours have passed since this E-mail was sent to you. If you'd like to reset your password after this time, we advise you to restart the password-reset procedure. If you have any problems signing in, please send us an email to support@nimbuzz.com.

khOb kaFiE Ro LinKi Ke To iN PM hasT click KuNid 2 MIn DiGe Nimbuzz PaSswoRde Jadide IDo waSat ersaL mikUne .

in bombosmod trojan haR ki mikHad vase E-mail kHodesh dorost mikonam upload mikonam va Linke download besh midam .
Id mano add kune :

Nokte : in Bombus Auto email sabt mishe va Auto Ye aDD vaSe id Ke dost darin Miad masaLan man To bombus dastor mIdam ke haR ki ba on bombus ON she ye add vase To biyad Bedone inke on taRaf befahMe :d LOl

© 2007-2012
by , yaKooza!.+666


Pair of Vintage Old School Fru